Elemente din online marketing
Content marketing si Comunicare
Content creators, bloggs, inspiration

article published on Pulse LinkedIn
From the beginning of the concept of blog, the traditional mean of the blog was to enhance, for the people that wanted to open a blog, the communication about things that they like, about their lifes, about their thoughts; a content with links to things they are reffearing about

In time, the bloggs became very specialized, specific on different verticals and on different domains of activity: economy, fashion, turism, auto, architecture, design, environmental,science, health, education...

A few months ago, I wrote a comment on LinkedIn about the copywriting and the content , highlighting the role of the copywriters for the marketing, for the communication, considering that they are writting content, not only texts

~ Now, the copywriter is a very general term and usually, the copywriters are those who are writing texts; very basicaly, this is true.

Let’s grow up a level and consider that the copywriters write content.
On this way, the copywriters could be:
* those who are relating about facts, events, news... we can call them content editors
* those who are writing content about companies, products and services, brands...being able to make a difference, to present the advantages, to arrive to the clients, generating sales, brand awarness...we can call them content marketers
*those who are creating content, being able to transmit new ideas, concepts, feelings, benefits, opinions...we can call them content creators

Considering that the copywriters are writing content and that they could have all the rols mentioned above, copywriters have a very important role, and we can say...

The copywrite could be an art...the art to manage the words, being able to transmit ideas, feelings, concepts, benefits, relates...through an appropriate content, that those who are reading, to consider that is relevant, usefull, nice, valuable...and the copywriter...the artist...~

On this way, brands need good content on their websites and a content creator could be blogger and on the same time copywriter, writting content on specific domains they have synergy with, for specific brands...

The meanings that I like and I would like for a blog, even very specialized, are to exprim opinions, relates, thoughs, feelings...a valuable content with links to valuable content on other websites, blogs... being able to be, for those who arrive to read it, a source of information, a source of inspiration, a place that open structured, organized ways to another valuable content...

Your opinions regarding the most important thing that you appreciate on a blog could be very valuable...

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Content Marketing si Social Media Marketing sunt cele mai recente capitole adaugate in Strategia de comunicare si marketing a unei organizatii, iar combinatia lor reprezinta o cale noua de crestere a increderii, credibilitatii, reputatiei pentru o companie/organizatie/brand

Dezvoltarea prezentei online se bazeaza pe continut, pe informatiile transmise si vom numi acest lucru in continuare, Content Marketing.
Publicand in mod continuu informatii valoroase si relevante pentru publicul tina, veti crea un activ online pentru business.
Cheia de generare de lead-uri in mediul online, pentru orice tip de business, este transmiterea de informatii clare, relevante care sa ii faca pe vizitatori sa devina clienti potentiali.

Cele mai noi 3 conditii de a fi gasit online sunt:

- continut relevant, clar si optimizat pentru motoarele de cautare/ ce anume comunicati
- folosirea platformelor Social Media / unde, cand, cum comunicati
- prezenta in motoarele de cautare ( Search Engine Marketing) dupa cuvinte cheie relevante si cu alte informatii decat doar cu cele oferite prin continutul Website-ului ( SEO, Pay per Click –PPC).
Un continut bun, va genera in Social Media conversatii despre companie si despre produsele/serviciile oferite, creand astfel referinte “ Word of mouth”, extrem de valoroase pentru consolidarea si Reputatia brandului.

Ce anume comunicam este o componenta definitorie in Digital Marketing. Se refera la Content Marketing, care alaturi de Social Media/Networking Marketing, Search Engine Marketing ( Search Engine Optimization- SEO, Pay per Click –PPC), E-mail Marketing si Mobile Marketing, trimit trafic targetat catre destinatie finala, care de cele mai multe ori este Website-ul sau Blog-ul.

Referitor la Website, un continut consistent, un design creativ si o arhitectura care genereaza conversie, creeaza premise pentru cresterea ratei de conversie, respectiv, pentru transformarea clientilor potentiali in clienti activi.

Beneficiile actiunilor de Content Marketing

• Afisarea continutului pe site-urile de socializare, va genera discuÅ£ii despre produsele si serviciile oferite si va sprijinii trimiterea de referinte catre website, prin „word of mouth”.
• O informatie relevanta, încurajeaza utilizatorii sa acceseze link-urile catre site, ducand la cresterea traficului targetat si a reputatie brand-ului
• Traficul creat de un content clar si relevant, imbunatateste ranking-ul in motoarele de cautare
• Un conÅ£inut bun reduce nevoia de a folosi Paid Search Advertising pe masura ce site-ul are un trafic mare de vizitatori calificaÅ£i (vizitatori cu nevoie identificata).
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